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Susan is one of the most insightful speakers

Susan Thomas

She is in demand by women's organization thought out the nation, as a celebrated speaker on leadership,strength and the life of single successful business women.I want to do my part to spread the Truth of our existence…

We are all connected beings who deserve to be happy, fulfilled, and FREE. We are so much more than most people know themselves to be… And the more you investigate your own self within, the more you will see how beautiful, perfect, and powerful you are. We are all creating our own realities with every thought, action, and feeling whether we know it or not. So I just want to help as many people as possible see that they have the power to change their own lives around…one of the things I found out very early in this business was the power of personal development.

It can be very difficult to get from point A to point B. One of the things a found to be very helpful was refuge in the local library. Which every area in my life that I wanted to work on ,I found a book on it there. Someone ones said the cost for knowledge is free. Library cards are being given away,so why not get one.

Below I have shared with you some of the books that have helped me, I know that they will help you grow into your true form.


The Richest man in Babylon, by George S.Clason
Think & Grow Rich, by Napolean Hill
The Millionaire next door, by Thomas
The one minute Millionaire,by Mark Victor Hansen
Multiple Streams of income, by Robert G Allen
Secrets of the Millionarie Mind, by T.Harv Eker
Retire Young Retire Rich, by Robert Kiyosaki


The Purpose Diven Life, by Rick Warren
The Attitude of Faith, by Frank Damazio
Reposition Yourself, by T.D Jakes
Your Best life Now, by Joel Osteen
Friendship with God, by Neal Walsch
The Power of Now,by Eckhart Tolle
Have a little Faith, by Mitch Albom


The winning attitude, by John C Maxwell
The Other 90%, by Robert Cooper
The Spontaneous fulfillment of desire, by Deepak Chopra
Emotional Prisoner, by Jose Villegas
Who moved my Cheese, by Spencer Johnson
Eat that frog, by Brian Tracy
Law of Success, by Napoleon Hill


Zigal on selling, by ZIG ZIGLAR
Thinking for a change, by John C.Maxwell
The Tipping point, by Malcolm Gladwell
Never eat alone, by Keith Ferrazzi
The Magic of thinking BIG, by David J. Schwartz
Feel The Fear and do it anyway, by Susan Jeffers
Chicken Soup for the unsinkable Soul, Jack Canfield